A 2 Year Follow-up of a Full Rehabilitation
This gentleman arrived at my surgery with the complaint of a failed occlusion.
After we did a full examination, I proposed a comprehensive wholistic solution to restore his occlusal function and aesthetics. This included a few root canal therapies, the restoration of 4 implants (that were already in situ but not restored with the definitive restorations) utilizing implant supported all ceramic crowns, the restoration of 17 worn down, decayed and broken teeth, utilizing 18 all ceramic crown units (which included one 3-unit bridge) and building up the 4 lower front teeth with composite resin to restore them to their correct height.
The treatment was completed over a period of 3 months.
The 1st 6 slides show the worn out, decayed, broken down occlusion.
The next 4 slides show the very pleasing completed result and the last 5 slides is a 2-year follow-up, showing the excellent gum maintenance and longevity now that biological health has been restored.
When considering comprehensive dental work, it is very important to choose a dental surgeon that will take the whole patient into consideration establishing wholistic health and not just trying to fix an isolated problem. Otherwise, you end up with a patchwork of restorations that never establish health and promises limited long-term success.